Primary School Camps
'Where Experience Counts'
OAC Primary School camps have been designed with the younger student in mind. For many, it is their first time away from home. Students learn new skills, engage in challenging activities and develop teamwork competency and a level of independence, all in a safe and nurturing environment. Our qualified staff are experienced in providing outdoor recreation programs for the primary school student in a residential setting and all staff have Working with Children clearance through the NSW Department of Sport & Recreation.
Learning Outcomes For Primary School
Our Primary School camps focus on peer group bonding and the excitement of being introduced to the great Australian outdoors, with plenty of opportunities for dynamic learning in a natural environment. Camp experiences will support classroom learning relating to the natural environment components of HSIE KLA and Physical Education components of PDHPE. Program activities are age specific, with children as young as Year 3 experiencing the thrill of their very first abseil, albeit over a very small drop and securely harnessed to our qualified instructors.
Primary School Camp Activities
Children enjoy a range of fun and rewarding activities including abseil, archery, bush cooking, bushcraft, bushwalking, canoeing, climbing gym, explorer boat, flying fox, low ropes course and team initiatives. All safety equipment is provided, including personal flotation devices (life jackets) for water based activities like canoeing and raft races, helmets and harnesses for abseil and flying fox.
During the day, students will spot wallabies and kangaroos grazing nearby. At night, students participating in campfire and spotlighting activities, will see yet another aspect of the Australian bush and a whole new set of night time bush characters. We have possums and owls in abundance, and a panoramic night-time sky full of stars that you just don't see in the city.
Camp Meals And Special Requirements
Camp meals are designed by our Catering Co-ordinator and prepared fresh on site. Fresh fruit and cold drinks are always available. Providing we have notice, dietary issues such as diabetes, food allergies and vegetarian requirements are accommodated.
Close Supervision
The Little River campsite is ideal for primary school camps and supervision of students as it offers cottage accommodation for teachers in close proximity to student cabins. The spacious grounds provide ample room for team games, allowing students to burn off excess energy, not that we expect any after a full day of camp activities.
The Issue Of Obesity In School Age Children
Media reports have previously highlighted escalating obesity levels in school aged children and projected severe implications for our society generally and health systems specifically. A school camp which is age-specific in program content can have the following direct benefits:
- fosters an interest in physical activity and recreational pursuits
- improves motor skills
- enhances self esteem, self worth and confidence
- provides the opportunity for personal challenge and achievement
- creates a sense of community and bonding with peers and teachers
- encourages teamwork and communication
- kindles an interest in the natural environment and Australian bush
- offers experiences not normally available to children growing up today in city and suburban environments
A positive outdoor education experience will hopefully translate into lifelong awareness of the benefits of physical exercise and a realisation that physical exertion can be fun.
Risk Assessment And Management
At OAC the safety and wellbeing of students in our care is of paramount importance. We aim to provide students with a challenging and rewarding camp experience in a safe and nurturing natural setting. Click here to see our Risk Assessment and Management documentation in DET format.