A little dirt never hurt anybody
The side effects of exercising have been proven to increase and improve the efficiency and effectivenesses of our overall wellbeing, physical and mental health. Sometimes all we need to get a little bit muddy, sweaty and feel that slow and intense burn of exercising. But, what are the benefits of enjoying fitness in the great outdoors?
Achieve school curriculum targets through school camps
In order to succeed in school and in life, children need ongoing opportunities to learn and build essential skills. School camps have the unique ability to provide a safe and secure learning environment for students, that support them to think critically and creatively, to develop problem-solving skills and to become greatly engaged in their learning.
The school camp checklist for every teacher
The worst thing to do before leaving for a school camp as a teacher is begin running around trying to remember all the different things you may or may not need to keep you going throughout your action-packed camp. No need to panic, we have you covered with a checklist like no other! You will feel prepared, relaxed and ready for anything to be thrown your way.
What’s new in adventure school camps today?
When you think of summer camps you may find yourself reminiscing of your own personal past experiences. Like late night bunk bed chatter, inspiring camp counselors and the special ability camps provide to build team spirit and strong friendships for life, there are some things that never change! But what’s new in adventure school camps today?
6 things you need to know about school camps
We have all experienced a school camp at some stage of our lives and as a result, the joy experienced at these camps creates memories that have lasted a lifetime. We’re going to discover the 6 things you need to know about school camps to make your experience at Outdoor Adventure Company a memorable and joyous occasion.
Why camps are equally as important for teachers as they are for kids?
More often than not, teachers begin to feel overwhelmed with the amount of planning and involvement that goes into a school camp and rather miss out on the exciting memories and the creation of relationships with their students. Let’s be honest school camps aren’t a relaxing holiday, as much as we wish that they were they simply are not. Sometimes they involve waking up at the crack of dawn, constantly rounding the kids up and calming them down from all the excitement.
The benefits of corporate retreats
Did you know only 20% of companies have ever participated in a corporate retreat? Yet the benefits of these retreats away from daily life are not to be discounted or overlooked. In this article we outline the benefits of attending a corporate retreat, to help you establish stronger bonds with your co-workers and teammates.
The benefits of school camps
Over 75% of schools in Australia have integrated school camps into their yearly curriculum activities and recent research has revealed that student’s psychological wellbeing and emotional balance is greater due to their participation and involvement in the school camps.
Encouraging learning outside the classroom
Research has found that children learn leadership skills, team building, confidence, independence, and so many other life-skills through being outdoors in a natural environment. School shouldn’t just be a place of education through textbooks and exams. School should be a constant journey of experiences that enable students to grow and develop their own personalities and unique characteristics. Allowing them to become a more motivated and enthusiastic young individual. Camps such as Outdoor Adventure Company are now being integrated into the school curriculum to bring a balance of classroom education and learning through endless outdoor and group activities.
Obesity as an increasing health issue for children
It’s shocking to see how many children suffer from obesity and what’s even more shocking is that this number is increasing. What’s the reason for this rising issue? Is it society or our wealthy lifestyle? Even more important is the question that many ask, what can we do to minimise obesity?