But as we grow older, we tend to live indoors more, in front of computer screens and in air-conditioned offices. Reignite that spark of creativity, inspiration and motivation in your everyday lives with a little help of our good friends – nature.
Studies have shown that when individuals spend an increased amount of time outdoors, they develop a greater sense of appreciation for their time. With this, individuals are able to greatly reflect which leads them to generate and enable the creative juices to begin flowing and a heightened sense of motivation and inspiration is developed. Stress comes from varying elements and aspects of our lives and can limit one’s ability to accomplish tasks to their best ability as well as feeling a level of inspiration and motivation.
According to recent studies, being exposed to varying shades of green has been linked with decreasing and reducing both stress levels as well as helping unleash your inner motivation to accomplish tasks to the best of one’s ability. From having plants around your workspace to going for a walk in the park or even encouraging your team to participate in a corporate retreat, keeping the colour green is a continual aspect of your life and is important as it can maintain inspiration and motivation. A study found that productivity can be increased by up to 15% from simply bringing plants into your office and another suggested that people were more likely to be motivated and engage in physical activity if they lived or visited an area with an increased amount of nature.
Lack of motivation can be harmful to not only your own wellbeing but also to the performance of your team. Being motivated to overcome creative challenges and obstacles can be brought about through spending more time surrounded by nature. Furthermore, a recent US study of 56 participants showed a 50% increase in association tests after spending 4 days on a hiking expedition. From examining their responses before and after spending time in nature it was concluded that being exposed to a natural environment can be beneficial to productivity, creative thinking and inspiration.
From artists, corporates or to groundskeepers, everyone has a reason to feel inspired by their surroundings. If you are seeking to boost motivation or inspiration to any aspect of your life, surrounding yourself with a nature filled environment could be just the thing you’re looking for.